Many times, foundations for steps or stoops are less substantial than those for the main structure of the house, so we frequently see separations of stoops, steps and front porches from the main part of the house. The ground under the steps gives way, and the steps move away from the porch.
In this brick home in the town of Hillsborough, North Carolina, a significant gap developed between the front steps and the front porch.
The rear of these steps were anchored into the foundation wall of the porch, but the front edge lacked support and began to tilt away. To correct this, we installed a helical pile and bracket under the two front corners of the steps.
Once the front of the steps was lifted, the gap disappeared, and it was aligned right against the front porch. The helical piles remain to permanently support the steps.
After the foundation repair was complete, our team planted grass seed and laid down straw to support the seed growth, restoring it back, good as new.

Look at the gap between the steps (to the right) and the porch (to the left)
We’re Brackett Foundation Repairs in Durham, North Carolina. We have 37 years of foundation repair experience. We do foundation repair throughout North Carolina and the United States. Call us at (919) 806-5232. Find out what we can do for you.