Brackett Foundation Repairs designs and manufactures high quality steel brackets and helical piles (piles). Our team visits with businesses which use this kind of equipment, and with ones who would like to begin doing foundation repair. Brackett is known as having the best price for the high quality of steel they use.
We’ve added some pictures of our brackets and helical piles below.
A side view of Brackett’s bracket

A durable and strong steel bracket used under the foundationHelical piles laying in a truck bed, and one standing showing the helical blades.

Dago demonstrates how the helical piles gets connected to the bracket that goes under the foundation.
We’re Brackett Foundation Repairs in Durham, North Carolina. We train foundation repair contractors and installers from North Carolina and the United States and supply helical piles and brackets all over the US. Call us at (919) 806-5232. We’ll give you answers.