Manufacturing, Distributing, and Installing a Premium Line of Foundation Repair Products
As a compliment to our structural repair specialization, we also provide drainage and water control systems to improve the conditions of the surrounding areas. As you have learned in our Frequently Asked Questions section on what causes foundation failure, water is the primary concern. To that end, we offer solutions for potentially damaging water situations. Whether the concern is too much water or too little, Brackett Foundation Support Systems can design a repair plan that will best suit the particular need you have.
Foundation drains offer the best protection against water intrusion into the crawlspace area of your home. Some companies offer interior water management systems that collect excess water and then discharge it from the crawlspace with the use of a sump pump.
Problems with interior management systems are several. The primary concern when water is present in a crawlspace is this question: Is the problem that water is in the crawlspace or is the problem that the water is getting to the crawlspace? We believe the best defense is a good offense. In the case of water, wouldn't it make more sense to stop the water from ever getting to the crawlspace in the first place rather than simply pumping it out later?
Secondly, if you have a foundation issue that allows water to enter the crawlspace, probability suggests that the chances are most high during severe storms that water will enter. Probability also suggests that it is during these times that the electricity is most likely to fail, leaving you with a flooded crawlspace and a non-functional sump pump.
Water Proofing |
Brackett Foundation Support Systems also offers a professional waterproofing system that can either be applied during construction or after as in the case of a basement wall stabilization. A spray-on application, our waterproofing system is a three part system, consisting of a 60-mil spray-on membrane, a 12-mil vapor barrier and a rigid drain mat. With this type of protection in place, the likelihood of water intrusion is virtually eliminated completely. Compare this with some paint-on applications which rarely exceed 20 mils in thickness.
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